Ocular Nutrition
Below are both general information sites on ocular nutrition and general nutrition.
I have also included specific investigational studies and references sites to back up the importance of antioxidants for health and vision. Enjoy!
Good nutrition site from the CDC: www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/nutrition/
MedLine Eye Disease Information and Research http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/eyediseases.html
Eye and Vision Health and Nutrition http://www.ocularnutritionsociety.org/
MaxiVision/MaxiTears - The best multi-vitamin/supplement with the most comprehensive ocular anti-oxidents available. http://store.medop.com/
Government Eye Disease Study Results Page (AREDS) www.nei.nih.gov/amd/
100% of your daily fruits and vegies in one serving! All ORGANIC, these high powered antioxidants help your body take care of itself!
100% of your daily fruits and vegies in one serving! All ORGANIC, these high powered antioxidants help your body take care of itself!
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